Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Steve Holden wrote:
>> Lorenzo Stella wrote:
> ......
>> So, which environment do you habitually use that provides an
>> *unlimited* stack?
>> You remind me of the conversation between the philosopher and an
>> attractive lady whom he was seated next to at dinner. He asked her
>> if she would sleep with him for a million dollars, to which she
>> readily agreed. So he followed this by asking her if she'd sleep
>> with him for a dollar. She replied: "No. Do you take me for a
>> prostitutte?", to which his riposte was "We have already established
>> that fact, and are now merely haggling about the price".
> allegedly G B Shaw
> (

Also allegedly Winston Churchill, although wikiquote says:

  "This is a very old joke where the participants vary dramatically
   from each telling. It's very unlikely though not impossible that
   the joke originated from Churchill."

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