On Oct 13, 7:21 pm, John Velman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm considering moving from Linux to imac.   I've recently returned to
> Python (was never very expert) to develop a small gui application.  At
> present I plan to use PyGTK with Pango and Cairo.
> What surprises may I be in for :-)
> (Currently using slackware 11.0 on an old (8 years) slow (400mhz) machine.)
> Thanks,
> John Velman

Well... I think OS X currently comes with Python 2.3 or 2.4. I
recommend getting Fink (fink.sourceforge.net), which is basically a
DPKG/APT repository for OS X plus an added system for automatically
building packages from source. It'll keep the system up to date with
the latest 2.5 release (and future versions).

If you're using PyGTK, you will need to install Apple X11 (can't
remember if it's installed by default yet), since OS X's window
manager is not X11-based. Fink can also install GTK+, etc. for you.
Other than that, most things should work as on Linux, more or less.


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