Dick Crepeau wrote:
> It seems to me the original question was how can I reply to a posted 
> message.
> I'm new here and see that while there are replies to several messages, 
> many times, like with this note, the issue is brought up as if it is new.
> I don't know how to do a reply, can someone tell me how?  This note was 
> sent to: python-list@python.org with the subject copied from an earlier 
> note.
> No need to discuss the politics of the choice.
> Dick C
With thunderbird, I do "reply all," which has the ugly side effect that
the poster of the message I'm responding to gets 2 copies, unless I
remember to delete one of them.

Same method with mutt, though I'm sure I could customize mutt to pay
better attention to the headers, if I used it enough to bother.


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