On Oct 24, 7:09 am, Alexandre Badez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a "better" way this code
> lMandatory = []
> lOptional = []
> for arg in cls.dArguments:
>   if arg is True:
>     lMandatory.append(arg)
>   else:
>     lOptional.append(arg)
> return (lMandatory, lOptional)
> I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

You might look into list comprehensions. You could probably do this
with two of them:

# completely untested
lMandatory = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments if arg is True]
lOptional  = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments if arg is False]

Something like that. I'm not the best with list comprehensions, so I
may have the syntax just slightly off. See the following links for
more information:




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