On Oct 29, 9:35 pm, Michael L Torrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> brad wrote:
> > Not complaining. len is simple and understandable and IMO fits nicely
> > with split(), strip(), etc... that's why I used it as an example, but
> > list(), etc. could be used as examples as well:
> > a_string.list() instead of list(a_string)
> This is a great example of why list() needs to be a singleton and *not*
> a method of any particular class.

The whole discussion about list() is moot since it's not a function
anyway, it's a type. As long as a list knows hows to initialize itself
given any iterable, it would be useless to require it as a method to
the iterables as well (unless perhaps there are significant
performance improvements when one can create a list much faster than
iterating through it).

> Saying list() should be a method only of something iterable is not only
> foolish, but wasteful.  Why should I burden every iterable object with
> redundant code?

Does the same argument apply for len() ? Nope, you still have to
define __len__. Having a builtin len() that calls the method __len__
seems (using your words) "not only foolish but wasteful".

> In short, making list() a method is wrong-thinking.  Reminds me of java.
>  Ugg.

Agreed, but you're beating a dead horse with list().

> If find Python to be more OO through and through than Java.  Once you
> understand that functions are objects, and duck-typing, things like
> len() being a function rather than a method make perfect sense.

Does the fact that index() or split() are methods make perfect sense
as well? I guess after some time using Python it does, but for most
unbiased users the distinction seems arbitrary.



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