On Nov 8, 1:52 am, Michel Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In our company we are looking for one language to be used as default
> language. So far Python looks like a good choice (slacking behind
> Java). A few requirements that the language should be able cope with
> are:
> * Database access to Sybase.
>   This seems to be available for python, but the windows-binaries for
> the library
>   are not available. Self-Compiling them proved to be non-trivial (As
> always
>   on windows).
> * Easy GUI creation.
>   Solved using PyQt.
> * Cross Platform (Linux + Windows).
>   Again, PyQt, solves this
> * Easy deployment.
>   Solved using py2exe + innosetup
> * Charting (Histograms, Line charts, bar charts, pie charts, ...)
>   I am currently looking into PyQwt, which looks promising.
> * Report generation with GUI support
>   reportlab + rml?
> So far, nearly all point seems to be manageable. But I was not yet
> able to find a solution for the report generation. What we would like
> to have is a sort of GUI interface to prepare the reports without
> having to "code" the positioning. I found reportlab, and it looks like
> it can do all that is needed in terms of output. But you still have to
> code the report. And this is a no go. In context, I found RML and saw
> links to graphical RML editors. But I have not yet found a concrete
> example code, or documentation. What am I missing? Is RML a reportlab
> creation or is it a recognised open standard? If not, is there an open
> standard, that is easily to process with python?
> Any pointers? I would prefer coding Python to coding Java or
> worse..... VB ;) which is another contender in our roundup.

It looks like RML (Reportlab Markup Language) is a type of XML to me.
It also appears to be a ReportLab invention. Lots of code examples can
be found here:


See also: http://www.reportlab.com/rml_index.html

I'm not sure what you mean by "editing" a report. I have an
application that allows users to enter data into a GUI and then it
takes their data and inputs it into a ReportLab generated PDF.



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