On 2007-12-12, John Machin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It's clear that I am thinking to completely different usages
>> for CSV than what most people in this thread. I use csv to
>> export and import numerical data columns to and from
>> spreadsheets.
> For that purpose, CSV files are the utter pox and then some.
> Consider using xlrd and xlwt (nee pyexcelerator) to read (resp.
> write) XLS files directly.

I can vouch for that advice. I was exporting .xls files to csv
text files for over a year before I tried the xlrd solution--the
whole process is less cumbersome now, though it was bewildering
at first working with Excel in Python. Actually, surprises still
crop up now and then, mostly to do with cell types. The advantage
of working with csv was that everything was a string.

Neil Cerutti
The world is more like it is now than it ever has been before. --Dwight

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