On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 10:08:38AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: 
Is anyone happy with csv module?:
> FWIW, CSV is a much more generic format for spreadsheets than XLS.
> For example, I deal almost exclusively in CSV files for simialr situations
> as the OP because I also work with software that can't (or in some
> cases "can't easily") deal with XLS files.  CSV files can be read in
> by basically anything.

Compatibility-wise, yes, CSV is much more generic.  But spreadsheet != ledger 
paper.  Spreadsheets incorporate many functions (as simple as summation!) that 
CSV cannot handle.  Thus functionality-wise CSV is infact a very specific 
subset of spreadsheets, and is not generic in the slightest.

But the software you are dealing with probably doesn't actually need 
spreadsheets.  It just needs digital ledgers.


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