Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Python 2.6 and 3.0 have a more Pythonic way for the problem:
> class A(object):
>     @property
>     def foo(self):
>         return self._foo
>     @foo.setter
>     def foo(self, value)
>         self._foo = value
>     @foo.deletter
>     def foo(self)
>         del self._foo
> class B(A):
>     # one can even overwrite the getter in a subclass
>     @foo.getter
>     def foo(self):
>         return self._foo * 2

That would be great if it worked, but it doesn't.

Fixing your typos (missing colons, spelling of deleter, and in B the 
decorator needs to refer to

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>>> class A(object):
    def foo(self):
        return self._foo

    def foo(self, value):
        self._foo = value

    def foo(self):
        del self._foo

>>> class B(A):
    # one can even overwrite the getter in a subclass
    def foo(self):
        return self._foo * 2

>>> a = A()
>>> = 5
>>> A.__dict__['foo']
<property object at 0x01261F80>
>>> B.__dict__['foo']
<property object at 0x01261F80>

Unfortunately as currently implemented, getter setter and deleter just 
update the existing property, so the getter defined in B changes how the 
property works in A as well. I think the intention may have been that they 
should create a new property each time, but this isn't what has been 

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