> > I'm trying to link python statically with qt and pyqt. I've tried this in
> > several ways but never succeeded. At the moment the final make runs
> > without errors but I get import errors when accessing pyqt.
> > How can I solve this problem?
> You'll need to include QtCore into Modules/config.c, preferably by
> adding it to Modules/Setup.local.
> HTH,
> Martin

I tried this in combination with the QtCore libs from pyqt. But there seems to 
be a conflict between the pyqt package and the linked libs. Therefore I tried 
to link only qt statically and import pyqt dynamically. But in the 
Setup.local you need to specify a module:

<module> <lib>

I just want the qt libs linked to the interpreter without accessing them by a 
module. I tried the configure option '--with-libs='lib ...''. The make did 
fine but the executable is too small and the qt symbols are not known by it.
How can I just link qt statically?

Thank you.


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