I'm pretty new to Python and I've been searching all over the place
find a solution for this.
I have a html page with some javascript in it and I need to load this
page in my own window (which I will create using PythonWin). The
reason for this is to have capability to control the window
and at the same time have access to click on the "submit" buttons in
the webpage

So basically, I will open a wepage as shown below -

import win32com.client
import win32api
import win32gui

ie = win32com.client.Dispatch( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
ie.Visible = 1

And then I need to display it in a window that I will create as shown
below -
hwnd = CreateWindowEx(...)

I will be so grateful if anyone can please give me some pointers on
how to go
about this.

Thank you for reading


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