On Dec 21, 3:49 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Dec 21, 1:45 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I'm pretty new to Python and I've been searching all over the place
> > to
> > find a solution for this.
> > I have a html page with some javascript in it and I need to load this
> > page in my own window (which I will create using PythonWin). The
> > reason for this is to have capability to control the window
> > properties
> > and at the same time have access to click on the "submit" buttons in
> > the webpage
> > So basically, I will open a wepage as shown below -
> > import win32com.client
> > import win32api
> > import win32gui
> > ie = win32com.client.Dispatch( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
> > ie.Visible = 1
> > ie.Navigate("http://www.microsoft.com/";)
> > And then I need to display it in a window that I will create as shown
> > below -
> > hwnd = CreateWindowEx(...)
> > I will be so grateful if anyone can please give me some pointers on
> > how to go
> > about this.
> > Thank you for reading
> You might look into using PAMIE or the mechanize module:
> http://pamie.sourceforge.net/http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/mechanize/
> Trying to control IE with PyWin32 / COM kind of sucks.
> Mike- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I looked into PAMIE already. Using PAMIE I can open a browser window
but I am not able to get rid of the Title bar. Do you know if there is
a way to do that? That will solve all my issues. basically I would
like to open browser content in a window with no scroll bars or menu
bars etc.

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