En Wed, 05 Mar 2008 02:57:58 -0200, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribi�:

>> > > >> >> Can you overload -type-'s decision of what to 'bind'?...  
>> whenever it
>> > > >> >> is it makes it.
>> > > >> Use delegation instead of inheritance. This class is almost  
>> > > >> indistinguishable from a true function (when used as a method):
>> Notwithstanding.  Now bar has a name.
> Now func has it.
> from functools import wraps
> class myfunction:
>     __slots__ = ('func','name')
>     #
>     def __init__(self, func):
>       @wraps( func )
>       def f( *ar, **kws ):
>          return func( self, *ar, **kws )
>       object.__setattr__(self, 'func', f)
>       object.__setattr__(self, 'name', None)
>     #
>     def __get__(self, instance, owner):
>         print( "__get__ called for",instance )
>         return self.func.__get__(instance, owner)
>     #
>     def __getattr__(self, name):
>       return getattr(self.func, name)
>     #
>     def __setattr__(self, name, value):
>       object.__setattr__(self.func, name, value)
> class mymeta( type ):
>     def __init__( self, name, bases, namespace ):
>         for k,v in namespace.items():
>             if isinstance( v, myfunction ):
>                 v.name= k
> class P( metaclass= mymeta ):
>     def foo(self, x): print( 'foo',x )
>     #
>     @myfunction
>     def bar( fob,self, x): print( 'bar',fob,x )
> p= P()
> p.foo( 0 )
> p.bar( 1 )
> print( p.bar )
> print( p.bar.name )

Mmm, looks too complicated and I don't see any advantage over the original  
code. Functions already know their (original) name: func_name. If `name`  
was just an example, note that functions already have writeable attributes  
too, and my code exposes them as well. This should work with that version  

p = P()
print p.bar.func_name # -> bar
p.bar.im_func.anotherattribute = 1
print p.bar.anotherattribute # -> 1

(the attribute must be set on the *function* itself if you want it to be  
somewhat persistent; methods are usually volatile objects)

Gabriel Genellina


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