En Thu, 06 Mar 2008 22:56:33 -0200, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> On Mar 6, 5:35 am, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> p = P()
>> print p.bar.func_name # -> bar
>> p.bar.im_func.anotherattribute = 1
>> print p.bar.anotherattribute # -> 1
>> (the attribute must be set on the *function* itself if you want it to  
>> be  
>> somewhat persistent; methods are usually volatile objects)
> You read my mind.

You could try to write in a way that reading your mind isn't necesary...

> I was just getting:
>    assert p.bar is p.bar
> and failing.
> But if you set them on im_func, instances don't have their own.

Instances don't have their own methods either. What do you actually want  
to do? If you need a method with per-instance attributes, that looks like  
another object to me.

Gabriel Genellina


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