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Nick Craig-Wood wrote:

> Torsten Bronger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The current snapshot is a transitional Python and thus
>> with some double features.  The numerical types and two kinds of
>> classes are examples.  I'm very surprised about this, because Python
>> is a production language, but I'm happy, too.
> As long as python 2.x -> 3.x/3000 isn't like perl 5.x -> perl 6.x I'll
> be perfectly happy too.
> "Less is more" is a much better philosophy for a language and having
> the courage to take things out differentiates python from the crowd.
> Of course we users will complain about removals, but we'll knuckle
> down and take our medicine eventually ;-)

Except that in this case, removal will also complicate code in some
cases.  Consider this fragment of Tkinter logic:"MyLabel",
                            command=lambda cmd=cmdkey: 

Would it not be the case that, without lambda, we will need to pollute
the name space with a bunch of specialized little functions for each
and every construct like this?

Tim Daneliuk     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP Key:

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