Rune Strand wrote:

> Numerous RAD' env's, fx Delphi, suggests this kind of incredibly
> boring almost pre-historic, self-pestering non-sense pain is ancient,

I have used Delphi for a lot of projects, as well as wxPython with the 
Glade Gui designer (and wxDesigner with C++ projects).

Delphi/Object Pascal simply sucks big time!

No real control of your GUI design with Delphi, just a lot of point and 
click  (did anyone mention waste of one's life?), and don't get me 
started on that primitive, complete utter waste of language called 
Object Pascal!

I code a lot in wxPython whenever I can (read whenever the performance 
is ok for the task at hand; 90% of the cases it is).

Python/wxPython/Glade == real programmer's toolkit

Object Pascal/Delphi == the hobbyist/beginner's toolkit


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