> Hello, I was hoping to get some opinions on a subject. I've been
> programming Python for almost two years now. Recently I learned Perl,
> but frankly I'm not very comfortable with it. Now I want to move on
> two either Java or C++, but I'm not sure which. Which one do you think
> is a softer transition for a Python programmer? Which one do you think
> will educate me the best?

I vote for Java, it will be relatively smoother if you come from Python. 
Java adds a bit of type-checking which is a good thing to learn to code 
with. Also with Java, you'll learn to dig into an API documentation.

Brian suggests C++, personnally, I'd rather advise C for learning about 
computers themselves and non-GC memory management. C++ is just too nasty.

If your goal is exclusively education, I suggest a functional language 
(choose Haskell or any ML dialect) or even a predicate-based language 
(Prolog or Mercury, but the latter is pretty hardcore). These languages 
have quite unusual ways of looking at algorithm implementations and they 
will certainly expand your programming culture.



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