On Apr 18, 2:08 pm, Joseph Turian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How widely adopted is python 2.5?
> We are doing some development, and have a choice to make:
> a) Use all the 2.5 features we want.
> b) Maintain backwards compatability with 2.4.
> So I guess the question is, does anyone have a sense of what percent
> of python users don't have 2.5?

One possible barometer for the situation is what's the oldest version
of Python to have been supported in the most bug-fix releases?

...In which case you need to maintain backwards compatibility with

(I bring this up to illustrate that if there are people clamoring for
a 2.3 updates, there are probably quite a few supporting 2.4 as well.)

Carl Banks

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