On 4/20/08, Hank @ITGroup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, people!
> Greetings~
> These days I have been running a text processing program, written by
> python, of cause.
> In order to evaluate the memory operation, I used the codes below:
> """
>  > string1 = ['abcde']*999999    # this took up an obvious memory space...
>  > del string1                              # this freed the memory
> successfully !!
> """
> For primary variants, the *del* thing works well. However, challenge the
> following codes, using class-instances...
> """
>  > from nltk import FreqDist     # nltk stands for Natural Language Tool
> Kit (this is not an advertisement ~_~)
>  > instance = FreqDist()
>  > instanceList = [instance]*99999
>  > del instanceList             # You can try: nothing is freed by this
> """
> ??? How do you people control python to free the memory in python 2.5 or
> python 2.4 ???
> Cheers!!!

I don't know about the others, I personally let the garbage collector
take care of it.


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