En Sun, 20 Apr 2008 17:19:43 -0300, sturlamolden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> On Apr 20, 9:09 pm, "Hank @ITGroup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Could you please give us some clear clues to obviously call python to
>> free memory. We want to control its gc operation handily as we were
>> using J**A.
> If you want to get rid of a Python object, the only way to do that is
> to get rid of every reference to the object. This is no different from
> Java.
> If you just want to deallocate and allocate memory to store text,
> Python lets you do that the same way as C:

I'm not sure if this will help the OP at all - going into a world of dangling 
pointers, keeping track of ownership, releasing memory by hand... One of the 
good things of Python is automatic memory management. Ensuring that all 
references to an object are released (the standard Python way) is FAR easier 
than doing all that by hand.

Gabriel Genellina


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