On 21 Apr, 16:51, "Ville M. Vainio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wouldn't it be more convenient to provide syntax like this:
> @task("create_build_folder")
> @depend("dep1 some_other_dep")
> def buildf():
>   buildFolder = jsPath + "build"
>   create_folder(buildFolder)

I'd want to make the "grunt work" a bit easier before breaking out the

> I find the doit syntax a bit cumbersome, especially as you can avoid
> 'args' by just returning a lamda in 'action'.
> I've looked around a bit for python "make" replacement, but there does
> not seem to be a simple & straightforward solution around (read -
> straight-python syntax, one .py file installation, friendly license).

Have you surveyed the landscape...?


I'm inclined to think that Waf would probably meet your requirements:



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