>  I took a look at dolt syntax, and saw this:
>  QQQ
>  def create_folder(path):
>      """Create folder given by "path" if it doesnt exist"""
>      if not os.path.exists(path):
>          os.mkdir(path)
>      return True
>  def task_create_build_folder():
>      buildFolder = jsPath + "build"
>      return {'action':create_folder,
>              'args': (buildFolder,)
>              }
>  QQQ
>  Wouldn't it be more convenient to provide syntax like this:
>  @task("create_build_folder")
>  @depend("dep1 some_other_dep")
>  def buildf():
>   buildFolder = jsPath + "build"
>   create_folder(buildFolder)
>  I find the doit syntax a bit cumbersome, especially as you can avoid
>  'args' by just returning a lamda in 'action'.

My idea was to: do *not* add any new syntax (to avoid being
cumbersome). It is just python, you dont have to import or subclass
anything. You just need to create a function that returns a dictionary
with some predefined keys.

I though about using decorators in the beginning... but returning a
dictionary looked easier to implement and more flexible. one important
feature is how easy to define a group of task with the same action.
Take a look at the example below on running pychecker in all python
files from a folder. I couldnt figure out an easy way of doing it with

import glob;
pyFiles = glob.glob('*.py')

def task_checker():
    for f in pyFiles:
        yield {'action': "pychecker %s"% f,

Another advantage of using just a dictionary to define a task is that
it will be easy to read tasks from a text file (if it is very simple
and you dont need to write any python script). but not implemented

I though about using decorator for simple python-tasks but in a different way:

def create_folder(path):
    """Create folder given by "path" if it doesnt exist"""
    if not os.path.exists(path):
   return True

so if your python function is a task and you will use it only once you
dont need to define a function for the 'action' and another function
to create the task. but not implement yet also.

>  I've looked around a bit for python "make" replacement, but there does
>  not seem to be a simple & straightforward solution around (read -
>  straight-python syntax, one .py file installation, friendly license).

apart from one .py file installation (easy_install is not enough?)
thats what i am trying to do.

thanks for the feedback.

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