Andrew E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
> > ..
> > While in PyQt world, I found these advantages:
> >  + conceptually vastly superior
> >  + powerful api/widgets/features
> >  + fast as hell due to the efficient binding of a quite efficient lib
> >  + cool tools, that are unicode/translation aware
> >  + very efficient programming environment/unbeatable productivity
> > While this sounds like the average sales talk, I will try to backup
> > these
> > claims a bit:
>  > ..
> I've been a wx user since around 1999 and overall I like it. It annoys
> me a *lot* sometimes, but as Qt was always prohibitively expensive for
> commercial development, it was the only real option.
> The key question from my point of view is: can I write commercial
> sell-if-I-want-to applications using Qt? If it is GPL, then I guess
> the answer is 'no'?

Yes, you can write commercial apps.  It's multi-licensed (commercial,
GPL, etc.): you get to pick the license(s) you want to use.  Read the

PyQt's licensing follows Qt's very closely, so no real complications
there.  Note PyQt (including a Qt license for use only with PyQt) is
actually far cheaper than Qt alone (if you buy Blackadder).


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