I'm trying to write a multi threaded TPC server. I have used xmlrpc

 How exactly did you come to the conclusion that your server must be
multi threaded ?
I don't think that it is important. But if you are interested:

- yes, the server will probably be I/O bound, not CPU bound
- I'm have experience with thread programming, but not with twisted

- I have to send larger amounts of data, the overhead of converting to
XML and parsing XML back would be too much pain

 - What's the expected amount of data you have to transfer ?
I cannot predict. But I will be trasferring image files which would be silly to do with XML.
 - What's the expected network bandwidth ?
It cannot be determined in advance.
 - What's the expected acceptable transfer time ?
Not known.
 - How many users are expected to be transfering data at the same time ?
The server should be scaleable up to hundreds of users. (I'm just trying to answer your questions, if that helps to answer mine.)
 Did you consider gzipping your XML (or YAML) packets ? Would the
transfer time be acceptable in this case ?
No. "Image binary data -> base64encode -> XML -> gzip" - looks very silly. It cannot be efficient. Do you have better ideas?
BTW I do not care about the clients - they must trust the server side.

 Oh, he said he _doesn't care about the clients_ ! ;-)
I meant *safety* here: clients are going to download program updates from the server. So if they do not trust the server then they should not use it. The server is different: it must be safe against external attacks. Maybe it was my bad English? Sorry for the misunderstanding.
 In general I would avoid that. Try to better estimate the speed
requirements, to see if you really need do to this.
I cannot predict "acceptable speed" requirements, but I can tell that there will be some clients downloading 100MB report files from the server, so I presume that I will need a progress bar. I think that I need to develop my own protocol for this, and probably the underlying layer should use binary representation.
Before I start re-inventing the wheel:

- Is there another (already existing) higher level framework that I can
try? It should be safe and fast, that is the only restriction.

 There's "Twisted".
Yes, I tried twisted before and I did not like it. It forces me to things that I do not want to do. (I cannot tell what it was - it was two years ago.)
- Do you think that it is a good idea to use xdrlib? I haven't seen
projects using it directly. For me it is like the rotor module was - it

 It's probably the best way to send binary stuff over the network.
But, again, I would avoid doing so.
It is NOT the best way. Just to tell one example: big endian / little endian integers. Definitely I need some encoding.

(But if you are right and this is the best way, why would you avoid?)



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