On May 19, 10:28 am, Laszlo Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think that it is important. But if you are interested:
> - yes, the server will probably be I/O bound, not CPU bound
> - I'm have experience with thread programming, but not with twisted

 That part was just to show you that being multithreaded is not really
a requirement. The server could be single-threaded, for example.
Surely, if you are comfortable with writing a threaded server, there's
no problem with that.

> No. "Image binary data -> base64encode -> XML -> gzip" - looks very
> silly. It cannot be efficient. Do you have better ideas?>> BTW I do not care 
> about the

 Okay, that would be silly. The questions above considered that you
would be sending typical unserialized objects that would be serialized
to XML, not pre-serialized binary data.

> use it. The server is different: it must be safe against external
> attacks. Maybe it was my bad English? Sorry for the misunderstanding.>  In 
> general I

 That part was a joke. You didn't have to answer that. :-P

> I cannot predict "acceptable speed" requirements, but I can tell that
> there will be some clients downloading 100MB report files from the
> server, so I presume that I will need a progress bar. I think that I
> need to develop my own protocol for this, and probably the underlying

 Okay, so you need to wrap large binary files in some kind of message,
without pre processing them. I think developing your own protocol
using XDR is a safe bet.

> layer should use binary representation.>> Before I start re-inventing the 
> wheel:

 If you are worried about not reinventing the wheel, there are a
couple of solutions I can think of. None of them seem to fully support
you security and session management requirements, so you should
estimate the required project/development time for them.

 - You may create a standard web application for that (with Django ?).
Binary transfers simply use HTTP and have trivial overhead. You have
to implement security and session management (cookies ?) on top of

 - Subclass BaseHTTPServer to implement a stateful and secure
protocol. Again, binary transfers have trivial overhead.

 - If the goal of the project is to provide versioned file support,
you could use a dpkg/apt (or RPM?) based installation system (it uses
HTTP and FTP for file transfers). Write trivial front-ends in the
client and the server and choose a secure HTTP server.

 - Finally, if you want to create your own protocol, but don't want to
use XDR, you could to a similar thing using MIME based messages (the
first message part is a XML message that references the binary

> It is NOT the best way. Just to tell one example: big endian / little
> endian integers. Definitely I need some encoding.

 Huh ? XDR does exactly that.

> (But if you are right and this is the best way, why would you avoid?)

 I would avoid packing/unpacking objects by hand.


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