James a écrit :
Hey everyone,

I just started using python and cant figure this out, I'm trying to make a program where someone types in a word and the program gives it back backwards. For example if the person puts in "cat" I want the program to give it back as "tac" and what it does is prints out 3,2,1.

This is what you asked for - range() returns a list of integers.

How can I get these integers to print as letters?

What you want is not to "get these integers as letters", but to get the letters in the word in reversed order.

 This is what I have,

word = raw_input("Type a word:")
start = len(word)

for letter in range(start, 0, -1):
print letter

- The naive version:

for i in range(start-1, -1, -1):
    print word[i]

- The naive version with a native attempt to correct (wrt/ your specs) formatting:

drow = ''
for i in range(start-1, -1, -1):
    drow += word[i]
print drow

- The canonical pythonic version:

for letter in reverse(word):
    print letter

- The canonical version with correct (wrt/ your specs) formatting:

print ''.join(reversed(word))

- The Q&D (but working) perlish version:

print word[::-1]


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