Russ P. a écrit :
On Jun 9, 2:10 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

But if it takes 6 month to get the mentioned developer to release
something I can use, I'm screwed up. Fine.

I've lost track of how many times I've said this now, but my
suggestion for a "priv" keyword allowed for "indirect" access to
private data through some name-mangling scheme.

And I've lost track of how many times I've said this now, but we already have this. While we're at it, why not a 'prot' keyword that would restrict name-mangling to the addition of a single leading underscore ?

That could be your
temporary fix while you are waiting for the developer to release a
corrected version. And even if that option were not available, you
could simply open up the relevant source file in the editor of your
choice and remove the offending "priv" declaration.

Yes. And I can always edit the source code and add the methods I need etc. You probably never used monkeypatching, so I guess you just can't understand the difference between maintaining a monkeypatch and maintaining a fork.

I completely fail
to see how you are "screwed."

Sorry, but when I have to keep repeating the same basic points over
and over, I can't help but think I might be wasting my time.

If you hope to get a general agreement here in favor of a useless keyword that don't bring anything to the language, then yes, I'm afraid you're wasting your time.


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