On 23 Mar 2005 10:13:16 GMT, Duncan Booth

>Do I really need to mention that the whole concept here is broken. This 
>only works if you call it from global scope. If you call it from inside a 
>function it [usually] won't work:

That's only becuase it was asked to go up 1 frame, and not 2.  

def makeVars(**nameVals):
    sys._getframe(2).f_locals.update(nameVals) # <- get 2 frames up.

def test():
    try: b
    except NameError: print "Before makeVars: NameError"
    else: print "Before makeVars: Not NameError"
    try: b
    except NameError: print "After makeVars: NameError"
    else: print "After makeVars: Not NameError"

import sys

Before makeVars: NameError
After makeVars: Not NameError


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