mk wrote:
Calvin Spealman wrote:
To your actual problem... Why do you wanna do this anyway? If you want
to change the function in the dictionary, why don't you simply define
the functions you'll want to use, and change the one you have bound to
the key in the dictionary when you want to change it? In other words,
define them all at once, and then just d['1'] = new_f1. What is wrong
with that?

Well, basically nothing except I need to remember I have to do that.

Suppose one does that frequently in a program. It becomes tedious. I think I will define some helper function then:

 >>> def helper(fundict, newfun):
...     fundict[newfun.func_name] = newfun

_If_ there were some shorter and still "proper" way to do it, I'd use it. If not, no big deal.

For completeness:

def new_f1(arg):
    return "NEW f1 " + arg
f1.func_code = new_f1.func_code

Don't use that unless you really have to and I nearly promise that you don't.

I promise I won't use it. :-) It seems like a 'wrong thing to do'.

Well it's probably totally "non pythonic" but this does what you want:

def f2(arg):
    return "f2 "+arg

def f1(arg):
    return "f1 "+arg

print [eval(x[1])(x[0]) for x in a.items()]
def f2(arg):
    return "New f2 "+arg
print [eval(x[1])(x[0]) for x in a.items()]

Don't know if this is any use to you..


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