castironpi wrote:
On Jul 17, 10:05 am, mk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
def f2(arg):
    return "f2 "+arg
def f1(arg):
    return "f1 "+arg
print [eval(x[1])(x[0]) for x in a.items()]
def f2(arg):
    return "New f2 "+arg
print [eval(x[1])(x[0]) for x in a.items()]
Neat trick, if probably dangerous in some circumstances. Anyway, thanks,
I didn't think of that.

Don't know if this is any use to you..
At least I learned something. :-)

You want consistent access to a changing variable.  Wrap it in an

a= Blank( )
a.ref= 'X'
b= a
a.ref= 'Y'

My "old fashioned" programing paradigms think of this in terms of "pointers", a throw back to my schooling in 'C'. I find this general form of problem to be common across languages and in some ways hard to express in python. The whole idea of labels bound to objects is quite alien to traditional terminology. I find one of the main attractions of python is this new mindset that the language makes you adopt - a different set of tools are at hand for the old school programmer.

castironpi - please give an example of what you are thinking as I find this interesting. preferably post some brief example code.

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