I can't seem to figure this out. I just installed Python 2.5.2 a few days ago
on my OS X 10.4.11
system. It runs fine and if I type "Python -V" in the Terminal it outputs "Python
2.5.2" which is
correct. However, if I try to run a 'do shell script' in AppleScript which I'm
wanting to run a Python
program, it reverts to using Python 2.3. For example, if I run this code in
set p to "#!/usr/bin/python
import sys
print sys.version[:3]"
set x to do shell script "Python -c \"" & p & "\""
return x
I get "2.3". Does anyone have any ideas why AppleScript is using the older
version of Python?
Is there a way to fix this?
I guess the shebang is simply ignored - the actual interpreter is
fetched from the "Python -c"-line.
It's a bit weird that there is Python with a capital P, but what happens
if you change that to Python2.5 for example?