Hussein B a écrit :
Suppose I have a Python application consists of many modules (lets say
it is a Django application).
If all the modules files are importing sys module, how many times the
sys module will be compiled and executed?
Only once (the first time the PVM locates, compiles and executes the
sys module)? or once for each module importing sys?

Hmmm.... Well, could it be possible that Python's developper were smart enough to implement some cache mechanism here ?-)

import do (approximately) the following:

check if the module already exists in sys.modules
if not:
  locate the module's source in sys.path
  if not found
    raise an import error
  look for a compiled .py file
  if there's none, or if there's one and it's older than the .py file:
    compile the source and save it as .pyc
  execute the .pyc file and build a module object from it
  add the module object to sys.modules
bind the relevant names into your current namespace

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