Hussein B a écrit :
Thank you both for your kind help and patience :)
Built-in modules are compiled

For which definition of "compiled" ?

but even if they are so, when importing
them (sys for example), Python will run their code in order to create
bindings and objects, right?

As the name imply, built-in modules are built in the interpreter - IOW, they are part of the interpreter *exposed* as modules[1]. Unless you have a taste for gory implementation details, just don't worry about this.

Other "ordinary" modules need of course to be executed once when first loaded - IOW, the first time they are imported. All statements[2] at the top-level of the module are then sequentially executed, so that any relevant object (functions, classes, whatever) are created and bound in the module's namespace.

[1] There's an ambiguity with the term "module", which is used for both the module object (instance of class 'module') that exists at runtime and the .py source file a module object is usually - but not necessarily - built from.

[2] 'def' and 'class' are executable statements that create resp. a function or class object and bind them to the function/class name in the containing namespace.

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