On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Diez B. Roggisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Marco Bizzarri schrieb:
>> Hi all.
>> In many parts of my code I've the following schema of code:
>>    def isInUseByOutgoingRegistrations(self, archivefolder):
>>        for instance in self.findActiveOutgoingRegistrationInstances():
>>            if instance.forbidToClose(archivefolder):
>>                return True
>>        return False
>> Before devising my own solution for this kind of problem, I wonder if
>> there is a common solution for the problem. I'm looking for a
>> python2.3 solution.
> if any(instance.forbitToClose(archivefolder) for instance in
> self.findActiveOutgoingRegistrationInstances())

Can you clarify where I can find "any"? It seems to me I'm unable to find it...

> You should also consider using PEP8 style naming.

I knew that someone would have said that to me :-).

I'm doing that... slowly. I'm trying to fix naming conventions as I
had to work on my code...

> Diez
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Marco Bizzarri

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