Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
Yes I'm pretty sure, two reasons:
1. when I perform a step_into, jumping into a file that doesn't have
breakpoints itself (meaning my program doesn't even know of this file),
pdb returns a lowercase filename

What has that to do with potential output postprocessing?

2. rpdb2 (probably based or even inherited from pdb) has the same
behavior. Asking the writer of rpdb2, I got some excuse (which I didn't
understand) why he had done it that way.

rpdb2 is not pdb.

Below is the output of a Pdb-session I just had:

(eggbasket)[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/software/vc/EggBasket$ nosetests -s
2008-09-25 14:13:10,374 turbogears.identity.saprovider INFO Loading:
-> vi1 = vset.add_pkg_info(p1)
(Pdb) n
-> session.flush()
(Pdb) n

As you can see - mixed-case filenames. Linux though.

There is a *very* simple way for you to check: just create a file called


and inside that, put

import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
print "hello"

Run that on the windows shell. See if that puts out all lowercase or not. I
can't do that right now as my VBox Windows won't start.
>>> import Module1
> d:\data_python_25\pylab_works\module1.py(3)<module>()
-> print "hello"

Then we know if PDB is really the culprit.

So pdb is the problem.
Apart from that, is that really a problem that the filenames are all lower
case? AFAIK Windows is case-insensitive regarding filenames anyway. So
opening the file by just passing the filename should work seamless.
Yes windows is,
but Python is not.
My program should run on Windows and Linux (and maybe a few others).
By converting everything to lowercase, on Linux I can't distinguishes between 2 files with the same name but a different case (btw, giving 2 files the same name, only differing in case, looks like a bad idea to me).

And yes I could switch to lowercase in case I'm on a windows machine,
but my program is too beautiful to pollute the code with these kind of unnecessary statements ;-)



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