On Tue, 7 Oct 2008 09:32:37 +1000, James Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Blubaugh, David A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
close to real time constraints? For example is it possible to develop a
python program that can address an interrupt or execute an operation
within 70 Hz or less?? Are there any additional considerations that I
should investigate first regarding this matter??

Most event-driven frameworks should be capable
of this kind of "real-time" performance. Indeed my own
event/component framework (pymills) is capable of
much more than 70Hz in terms of performance.

$ python examples/event/bench.py -e 100000
Setting up Sender...
Setting up Receiver...

Total Events: 100005 (74663/s after 1.34s)

If i'm not wrong this roughly equates to about
74 KHz

Indeed, this looks wrong - or at least inconclusive.  The benchmark
above demonstrates throughput, not minimum (or maximum, or average,
or any other statistic) response latency, which is what the OP was
really asking about.


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