On 10/7/08, James Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I shall do some latency benchmarks ok :)

Out of curiosity I modifed my bench marking tool
for my event/component library (pymills) and here
are the results:

$ ./bench.py -m latency -t 10
Setting up latency Test...
Latency: 0.38 ms
Latency: 0.02 ms
Latency: 0.02 ms
Latency: 0.02 ms
Latency: 0.02 ms
Latency: 0.02 ms
Latency: 0.02 ms
Latency: 0.02 ms
Latency: 0.02 ms
Latency: 0.02 ms

Total Events: 27 (3/s after 10.00s)

To measure this, I created a new component
and mode (-m/--mode == "latency"):

class LatencyTest(Component):

   t = None

   def onRECEIVED(self, message=""):
      print "Latency: %0.2f ms" % ((time.time() - self.t) * 1000)
      self.push(Hello("hello"), "hello", self.channel)

   def onHELLO(self, message=""):
      self.t = time.time()
      self.push(Received(message), "received", self.channel)

NB: The measured latency of "pushing" a single event around the system
and reacting to it is less than 1ms, even less than 0.1 ms.

Someone will probably point out that this measure
isn't much good as it measures only for a single
event in the queue, so I also added a new option
to my bench marking tool (-f/--fill) to allow me
to set a "filler" of dummy events in the queue
that just get flushed out (but not processed)
by any event handler. Here are the results
from a filler of 100 (-f 100):

$ ./bench.py -m latency -t 10 -f 100
Setting up latency Test...
Latency: 1.52 ms
Latency: 0.78 ms
Latency: 0.76 ms
Latency: 0.76 ms
Latency: 0.77 ms
Latency: 0.77 ms
Latency: 0.76 ms
Latency: 0.76 ms
Latency: 0.76 ms
Latency: 0.77 ms

Total Events: 2027 (203/s after 10.02s)


-- "Problems are solved by method"

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