There have been some discutions with my partner about which protocol
to use. We agreed to use also http. But we are looking for a
possibility to use something to trasfer python objects like Json

If my memory is me well http transfers data in plaintext. Because of
the risk of datacapturing, is there a better soulutioon to suggest to
be more secure like shttp if it is implemented in python

On Oct 21, 6:34 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
> azrael a écrit :
> > I am starting to work on a application and need some advice.
> > I am planing to develop a desktop application which would have some
> > usage, but also it should be able to comunicate to a web server which
> > hosts a php web application. So I wanted to ask if someone has some
> > expirience with connecting PHP webapplications with Python desktop
> > applications. Could someone at leaset point me to the right direction
> > where to look for informations.
> Short anwser: 'http'.
> Longer answer: when it comes to interacting with a web application, the
> language used to develop both applications is irrelevant. The client app
> sends an HTTP request, and receive an HTTP response.


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