On 9 Nov., 09:26, Rhamphoryncus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 8, 10:14 pm, Kay Schluehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I guess building a multiset is a little more expensive than just O(n).
> > It is rather like building a dict from a list which is O(k*n) with a
> > constant but small factor k. The comparison is of the same order. To
> > enable the same behavior as the applied sorted() a multiset must
> > permit unhashable elements. dicts don't do the job.
> Although it has a runtime of k*n, it is still O(n).  big-O notation
> ignores constant factors, dealing only with scalability.

You are right. I remembered this short after my posting was sent.

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