Duncan Booth wrote:
> Roy Smith wrote:
>> In 3.0, can you still order types?  In 2.x, you can do:
>>>>> t1 = type(1)
>>>>> t2 = type(1j)
>>>>> t1 < t2
>> False
>> If this still works in 3.0, then you can easily do something like:
>> def total_order(o1, o2):
>>    "Compare any two objects of arbitrary types"
>>    try:
>>       return o1 <= o2
>>    except UncomparableTypesError:   # whatever the right name is
>>       return type(o1) <= type(o2)
>> and get the same effect as you had in 2.x.
> No, that won't work. You can compare types for equality/inequality, but
> they are not orderable:
>>>> type(1)==type('a')
> False
>>>> sorted([1, 'a'], key=lambda x:(type(x),x))
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> TypeError: unorderable types: type() < type()

However, for an arbitrary ordering of types, id(type(o1)) <= id(type(o2)) will
work well enough.


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