On Nov 10, 9:31 pm, Rhamphoryncus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 10, 6:25 pm, Steven D'Aprano
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 11:43:59 -0800, Rhamphoryncus wrote:
> > > You might as well comment out the sort and call it good.  That's what
> > > you really had in 2.x.  It was close enough most of the time to *look*
> > > right, yet in truth it silently failed.  3.0 makes it an explicit
> > > failure.
> > I don't doubt that this is correct, but I think the argument that sorting
> > in Python 2.x has silent bugs would be much stronger if somebody could
> > demonstrate arrays that sort wrongly.
> > A shiny wooden nickel for the first person to show such an example!
> > --
> > Steven
> >>> sorted([2, 1.5, Decimal('1.6'), 2.7, 2])
> [1.5, 2.7000000000000002, Decimal("1.6"), 2, 2]
> Where's my nickel? :P

Ahh, I knew I had a copy of the time machine keys burried in that


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