On Nov 14, 9:01 pm, "Eric S. Johansson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I don't understand. If you don't want to terminate the "if", why do
> > you hit backspace? What is it that you would like to have happen?
> the goal is to make some aspects of indentation behave the same without 
> context
> dependency.  this goal exists for many features of programming assistance
> because it's a prerequisite for lowering the vocal load for this aspect of
> programming by voice
> I want three indentation adjustment tools.  Indent to where a class should be,
> indent to where a method should be, and outdent n levels (close block
> (once|twice|thrice)).  This is probably best shown by example although, I'm 
> not
> guaranteeing my example will make it any clearer.  :-)
> the current outdent capability conflates multiple outdent events.  The outdent
> events are, at a minimum,:
> Close block
> close method
> close class
> Another way to look at these events are start method, start class and close
> block.  Now using these events, let's compare a use case against the outdent
> mechanism.
> starting with an example of a previous message,
> class pet (object):
>     """
>     """
>     def cat(self):
>         """
>         """
>         if food in bowl:
>             self.empty = True
>     def dog(self):
> to start the dog method, after ending the Method, I would need to say 
> something
> like:
> newline tab key Close block close block delta echo foxtrot dog left paren self
> close paren colon...
> But if the method ended like:
>     ...
>     def cat(self):
>         """
>         """
>         self.empty = True
>     def dog(self):
> I would only want to use a single "close block" to outdent.  unfortunately, 
> this
>  context dependent behavior is frustratingly wrong when it comes to creating
> speech driven macros to enter templates.  it requires user intervention to 
> tell
> you how may times to outdent and that's counterproductive at best and 
> physically
> damaging at worst for a disabled user.
> any clearer?
I still don't understand. It seems that you want to be able to do:
"END_CLASS"  to end the current class.

"END_DEF" to end the current function

"END_BLOCK" to end anything else.

This is possible with some emacs lisp but I don't see what this gains
you over
  where "BACK" sends a backspace to emacs.
  (Actually I'd define an "END" command which you could give at the
end of the last line of a block. That would relieve you of the need to
enter the newline and tab.)
  Yes, it requires a few extra utterances on occasion, but you don't
have to worry about three new (multi-syllabic) verbs to recognize.

 Am I understanding your requirement correctly?

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