On Nov 17, 2008, at 10:53 AM, Eric wrote:

My son has an idea for a program to
write. Basically he would like to present a window with a small circle
on it. The window title would have the instruction to click on the
circle. As the mouse approaches the circle, it moves away from the
spot. Being a kid, the visual and interactive aspect appeals. I think
this will be nice as he can add complexity incrementally such as what
direction to move, how to handle running into the edge of the window,

Sounds like fun.

What I'd like is a suggestion as to what GUI framework to use (Tk, wx
or something else). I can add modules if necessary. I'd just as soon
use something clean, understandable and not too complex.

I'd suggest wxPython -- start with the Bubbles demo at <http://wiki.wxpython.org/BubblesToy >, which should work on your (10.5) OS X machine right out of the box (i.e., no need to install anything extra). It doesn't do the task you describe, but it does demonstrate animation and interaction with the mouse, and would be easy to extend and adapt in the direction you want.

- Joe


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