Hello again.

Thank you for the answers I got to my previous question. All of them
were very useful to me.

I want to know if I have understood well the way I can work with

As far as I've understood, [the free version of] ActivePython is just
a [good, ready-to-work] Python distribution. Also, it contains and
editor, PythonWin Editor.

Has that editor the ability of performing good debugging tasks? I
mean, is it enough for doing debugging?

I pose this question because I've seen there is Komodo Editor and its
non-free version Komodo IDE. For me, Komodo Editor has a very good
interface. And the only feature I would like to get from the non-free
version of Komodo is the ability of debugging. But I won't by it if I
can have nearly the same with PythonWin Editor.

In your opinion, what other benefits from non-free Komodo are worth
it, if compared with PythonWin?

Can people with more experience in Python programming help me??

Thank you in advance!


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