On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 1:27 AM, Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rainy wrote:
>> On Dec 6, 3:40 pm, Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> hello,
>>> I want to give a small beep,
>>> for windows there's message-beep,
>>> and there seems to be something like " curses" ,
>>> but that package seems to be totally broken in P2.5 for windows.
>>> Any other suggestions ?
>>> thanks,
>>> Stef Mientki
>> For win there's winsound, you have to check sys.platform and do
>> what's necessary for the platform in question. In linux I think
>> you can just print '\a' (or does that only work in terminals?).
>> If you know that ext. speakers are always on, you can do a nicer
>> beep by using some wav file, in linux it's probably easiest to
>> use an external program to play it, like wavplay. Basically,
>> there is no single answer, it depends on circumstances.
>> --
>> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> '\a' or chr(7) prints an inverted "BEL".

Inverted bell? What do you mean? And what version dependency are you
referring to?


Follow the path of the Iguana...

> So it looks that Python version independency is even worse than OS
> independency ;-)
> I'll take a look at wxPython and Pygame if there's something useful.
> anyway thanks,
> Stef
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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