On Dec 8, 10:53 am, Andrew Falanga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've never programmed in python and only have a small understanding of
> what is wrapped up in the terms COM and .NET.  Is there a way of using
> python to get a hold of objects written in C# as COM objects using
> python?  I'm looking for ways to avoid VBScript (which, after a couple
> of weeks, I've determined to be horrid).  That is, is there a way of
> getting at COM objects in python that's similar to doing a
> CreateObject call in VBScript (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/
> dcw63t7z.aspx)?
> Thanks,
> Andy

You're probably looking for the PyWin32 package (AKA: Python for
Windows extensions). It's an external package for Python created
mainly by Mark Hammond. You can find it here: 

It's a loose wrapper to the win32 bindings. It has a win32com module
in it. You can usually take some VB type code and tweak it slightly to
work with Python. There's some docs here:


You may also be able to use ctypes. Regardless, the PyWin32 package
has a great mailing list with helpful people that I highly recommend:

Other than that, you have the option of using IronPython which can
actually import .NET modules itself. I've messed with it a little, but
I'm not fluent enough in .NET to be able to use a lot of its
capabilities. Regardless, you should read up on it as it offers lots
of interesting capabilities:



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