On Dec 8, 11:14 am, Ben Kaplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 8, 2008, at 11:53 AM, Andrew Falanga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've never programmed in python and only have a small understanding of
> > what is wrapped up in the terms COM and .NET.  Is there a way of using
> > python to get a hold of objects written in C# as COM objects using
> > python?  I'm looking for ways to avoid VBScript (which, after a couple
> > of weeks, I've determined to be horrid).  That is, is there a way of
> > getting at COM objects in python that's similar to doing a
> > CreateObject call in VBScript (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/
> > library/
> > dcw63t7z.aspx)?
> > Thanks,
> > Andy
> > --
> >http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> I would not deal with COM at all. I personally have not used it, but  
> there is a version of python called IronPython that's written in C#,  
> so it can use .NET and, I think, other C# objects. Other people will  
> probably help you more, but you might want to look into that and maybe  
> ask this on the python-win list.

As I understand it, IronPython can use anything done in the CLR, so
technically I could write something in VB.NET, C# or any of the other
VS languages and then use them from within IronPython. It should be
noted that IronPython does not support most 3rd party packages that
are not pure python. As I recall, it doesn't have the complete builtin
library either, but it's close.

Reads the docs and check it out at least. If you already know .NET
languages, then you'll probably find IronPython helpful.


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