>         if bank <= 0:
>                 print("You're in the red!")
>                 quit()
>         elif bank >= 1 and bank <= 9999:
>                 rate = 0.0060
>         elif bank >= 10000 and bank <= 24999:
>                 rate = 0.0085
>         elif bank >= 25000 and bank <= 49999:
>                 rate = 0.0124
>         elif bank >= 50000 and bank <= 99999:
>                 rate = 0.0149
>         elif bank >= 100000:
>                 rate = 0.0173
>         else:
>                 print("What's this doing here?")

I think your indents are a little too much large (the soft standard is
4 spaces).

The last else can be removed.

Does bank == 0 mean being in red?

That list of if-elif seems bug-prone. In the future you will learn
ways to write that in a less bug-prone (but also probably more complex
to read and understand) way.


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