I decided to start learning python for 2 reasons:
#A The white-space is wonderful - you can't code unreadable code.
#B I noticed that just about every application I use has extensions
written in python.

Although it isn't as "cool" as ruby, it certainly has been in widespread
use longer.

I think that job postings inflate apparant popularity. For example if you
look up jobs for "Flex developers", you'll see a lot of posts. There are a
lot of people that hear the buzz and they think that they want a programmer
with that skill, but in reality what they should be looking for is a java
who is willing to learn flex because there just aren't that many poeple that
know flex yet). I imagine the same is true of ruby.

Also worthy of mention:
I've seen python pre-installed on consumer HP desktops (I think as
part of a backup/restore script, but I'm not sure)

I would believe that python is in the top 5 for sure.

AJ ONeal

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