On Dec 22, 8:58 am, walterbyrd <walterb...@iname.com> wrote:
> On Dec 21, 12:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
> <bdesth.quelquech...@free.quelquepart.fr> wrote:
> > Strange enough,
> > no one seems to complain about PHP or Ruby's performances...
> A few years back, there was a certain amount of chest thumping, when
> python/django easily beat ror in a benchmark test. Now that ruby is
> faster, I guess speed is no big issue.
> By the same reasoning, python advocates used to sneer at php because
> php constantly broke backward compatibility. Now that python does it,
> breaking backward compatibility is no big deal. I guess unicode
> support was not that important, until python caught up to perl.
> I guess, the way it works is: you first assume that python is
> superior, then you figure out why.

I think what walter is saying is the loyalty is gone.

"""If python makes great, if it doesn't, why should "i" care if it
goes down the toilet?  i just move to ruby"""

Were is your loyalty pyfans?, Has the fight left you???

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